New roomie
While shopping on saturday afternoon, the roomate asked my opinion about us having someone else move in. After finding out that said new someone was female, my attention was gotten. Another female in the house could mean more stuff to deal with, the potential for waiting for the facilities, or to take a shower. After discussing the issue, I agreed to the idea, provisionally.
So, this afternoon, when the current roomie got home from work, she had the new roomate with her. I have to say, my heart went pit-pat at the sight of her eyes. I have never seen that particular shade of grey before. It is a smokey grey, with a hint of a steel blue-grey in it.
All in all, I think she and I will get along fairly well. She came right up and climbed into my lap, laying her head on my chest and I swear, she purrrred.
After she had lain there for a few minutes, she decided to go exploring and I got my camera.

I'm thinking Greymalkin is a nice name for her to ignore.
Very cute, and hopefully better trained then Zot and Mafdet. ;P
Too cute! I am totally a kitty person, DLH in particular - I'd haveta say your roomie made a great choice! :D
Wanted to add ... yeah she totally looks like you should be honored that she's gracing you with her presence. *snicker* Love it!
Oooohhhh... *sniffle* I'm all verklempt! She looks EXACTLY like my old cat Titania! She's so beautiful!! *sniffle* I'm almost jealous. If it weren't for the fact that I already have too many cats, I'd be out hunting for a new one right now!
She looks rather imperious, doesn't she? hehe... Grats on the new roomie!
Very cute, and hopefully better trained then Zot and Mafdet. ;P
And she has the Hide ability down already as well. And does nice damage with claws, as my leg has 7 nice scratches on it, in less than 12 hours. *grimace*
Too, too, too adorable. If anyone else sees this and MUST have one, my neighbor just asked me this morning if I know anyone looking for kittens, as she has for the right home. (in NYC)
Oh, she's adorable. :)
My gosh, she is adorable!
Oooohhhh... *sniffle* I'm all verklempt! She looks EXACTLY like my old cat Titania! She's so beautiful!! *sniffle* I'm almost jealous.
That's exactly what I thought when I first saw the pic, Amy! She does look just like Titania!
Obligatory Aww....too bad I'm allergic.
And Avo dogs do not smell! I had a Pom for thirteen years, best friend I ever had. :)
We need new Kitty Photos! :D
Yeah! More kitty photos! We want to see how the princess is doing!
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