Sam's place

Thursday, February 22, 2007

54 years...

The big story in the news, locally anyway...has been the murder trial of a woman accused of murdering her three year old foster-son. She taped him up, and then wrapped him in a blanket... then placed him in a play-pen in a closet...and shut the door.

That was on August 4th...90 degree weather.

On August 6th, when the family got back from their trip to a family-reunion type gathering...they found the young boy...dead.

The "mother" ... the woman responcible for the welfare of this child was found guilty of seven charges...murder, involuntary manslaughter, kidnapping, felonious assault and three counts of child endangerment.

I don't know about you, but doing that to any child should be punished by more than being locked up in prison for 54 years to life...especially a child you are supposed to love and care for.

Here's the local paper's story on it...

At one point in the trial the prosecutor held up a picture and a styrofoam cup. "This is a picture of (the boy ). This cup is what you could put his remains in." They had burned his body to hide the evidence.

The husbands trial is supposed to start sometime fairly soon.

I just hope that some day, people in this country get sick and tired enough of this kind of behavior, and begin actually punishing those who do thing like this to children.


At 12:39 PM, Blogger Lela said...

And what disturbs me most is the "It's not my fault" mantra that seems to echo over and over in her statements. I hear this way too much. "I'm justified in what I did because it wasn't my fault."



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