I am surrounded by P.M.S...
Before you decide I have a lack of political correctness, realize that the kittens are named, in order of their arrival into the home;
Mixie (or Mixtress)and
Smokie...hence the title.
A visit to the vet for all three today. Shots all round, plus worm meds and some pills to give them at home. Smokie gets to go again next month for another shot, for the few things she wasn't old enough for, yet.
They are fairly calm, as far as kittens go. Very little romping through the house like a stampede of horses, as you would expect for only 5 and 3 month olds.
And now, the pictures...

This is Mixie about 3 days after she was brought home.

This is her at 4 months old.

This is Smokie, about an hour after I brought her home from a friend. The daughters of said friend ask every time I call, or stop by, how my kitten is doing.

The World Feline Championship Wrestling organization in full blown "Get em!" Mode.

I'm not sure who won the wrestling match, since they all sacked out soon after the last picture was taken. I think it was a draw.
OMG! They're so adorable! Good to hear that they're all healthy and doing well. :)
Kitty Photos finally!
They are very cute and gld that they are all getting along. :)
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