Sam's place

Monday, May 22, 2006


So, I just got back from seeing the doctor again. The leg is much better, but she gave me another 10 days worth of clindamycin, (a fairly strong anti-biotic.) to make sure any infection is made kaput.

Good new side..I have lost 11 pounds in two weeks, and the only real change in my diet at this point has been that instead of eating largish meals only twice a day, I am eating smaller amounts, 3 or 4 times per day. And I cut out the snack/junk food for the most part. Haven't quit the snacks altogether, but I get popcorn or pretzels if I get anything, since they are less unhealthy than chips.

Next part on the agenda to a smaller me, will be me doing longer patrols at work. If I do the 'long' one, it will be around a 1.2 mile jaunt. I figure that once every other day for a couple weeks will build up the endurance to do more, more often.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Just got done reading a couple of blogs of friends of mine, that said they are leaveing CoH. matter how I write this, I'll sound like I'm either whining, or complaining; neither of which is my goal.

The thought that I won't be able to say "Heya" to either of these people at least a couple times a week, hurts. It almost feels like I have just been broken up with. I know that sounds silly as hell, and that some people reading this will think I need to see a shrink.

It also makes it sound like I feel they should stay because *I* want them to. That's not the case either. Sure, I would like them both to still be there, but they have lives they have to live, families to care for; all the trimmings of a real life.

And yes, I still have a lot of people that I will still be able to hook up with and do stuff with in the games. So It's not like I'm all alone or anything. It's just going to be a bit rough, adjusting to the empty spots that suddenly appeared.

Guys, I will miss the laughter, and the jokes, that we shared. But please, please take care of yourselves, and may you both find everything you want out of life.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Time to get smart...

Right leg feels like an impacted tooth, most of the time. Swollen, red, 'touchy'. If I stand up to quickly, I have to catch myself to keep from dropping to the floor in pain.

Doctor has me on various meds, to help reduce the amount of water the leg is retaining. So, I take 7 different pills a day, and am supposed to drink at least 64 ounces of water, daily. More if/when possible. The more H20 coming in, the more H20 going out, like emptying a waterbed.

I managed to make myself stop smoking 2 years ago. My next goal is to make myself be half the man I am right now., WHEN I lose one half my current body weight, I'll be just inside the supposed, "weigh this much for this height" scale DR's. use.

I'm not gonna keep a running tally here, as that would end up upsetting me, when I hit one of those stalls one hits while losing weight. I will say this. When I get done, I should weight in at #220, or so.

Wish me luck folks, this is gonna take a while.